About CSSPatio.com

CSSPatio.com is an online CSS Gallery and Showcase for the best designed websites using CSS on the internet. Bookmark CSS based websites now & yes its 100% free!

Which sites are published?

Well firstly they have to be done in CSS. Tables can only be used for tabular data. The website has to presentable and good to look at. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so we do expect every site that is posted to be of the top quality. Please be aware that all websites sent to us won't necessarily be approved.

Can I submit any site that I think is good?

Yes. It just doesn't have to be your site, it can be any site on the web that you think is good and you like it. If you submit a link and if we put up on CSSPatio. We will be giving credit to your sites.

Do the sites have to validate?

It will make life easier for us. But if you like any website and you think its done on css, just send it to us and we will take care of the rest.

Comment Guidelines

General short comments like 'this is not good', 'very nice site' and so on will not be entertained on CSSPatio.com. We are in favour of quality dicsussions on designs. You are free to express your opinion with a reasonable justification which will also help others to understand. Commenting to just promote you site on blogs is known as 'Spamming'. We will not publish the comments which we feel are just posted to increase backlinks.

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